Julia Wendland Training

Contents, scope and proceedings will be jointly defined with you and tailored to your needs.

No matter if training, team workshop or short "learning pills"e; — each format will be integrated into your organisational context and can be complemented with other methods, e. g. coaching.

Developing intercultural competence

    When organizations go global different mentalities and working cultures come together. But how to navigate through this diversity? With the Cultural Awareness Training you prepare your staff for global business. They learn to understand backgrounds of culturally related differences in thinking and behaving, to develop appropriate strategies and to communicate more effectively in international cooperation.

Project Management Germany - Korea

    Together you develop strategies and acquire competences that enable you to discover intercultural misunderstandings and to confidently manage critical project situations. You will leverage the synergies of your teams along the whole project cycle more effectively and make your projects success stories.
    As a Korea expert familiar with the Korean and German perspective, weith practice in industry, intercultural cooperation, project management and training, in this training I integrate cultural knowledge, methods and experience. (zum Flyer)

Remote Leadership

    What to do if traditional leadership tools do not work on distance? How much leadership is necessary, how much is possible? Which cultural aspects play a role? In the Virtual Leadership Training you deal with the specific challenges of virtual leadership. Knowing about critical success factors and having practical tools at hand you will master remote leadership. And your employees will say about you: "When I finally met her, she was just as effective in person as she was online." (Kolb, 2009)

Working in Germany

    The training Fit for Germany supports your foreign leaders and experts to get used to Germany more quickly. Differing expectations and concepts such as time, hierarchy, conflict styles, teamwork are made subjects of discussion, while at the same time, "legends" can be overcome. This reduces uncertainty, facilitates dialogue and makes working processes more efficient.

ACT – Assistant's Competence Training

    You are Manager and dream of an assistant who - to the greatest possible extent - works without instructions and can manage her work with a minimum of consultation?
    This dream can become reality...
    As an Assistant you want to further develop your competences, to work more self-directed, confidently coordinate and manage projects? Whether it be a meeting or an event, you want to be prepared for everything and interculturally sensitive represent your company in front of international guests?
    Our programme strengthens the competences for management assistance. It not only focuses on knowledge, but on the further development of your personality - with heart, hand and mind. Thus, you will proactively, effectively and efficiently support your management.
    Facilitators with expertise and personality, with long professional experience in different sectors, very familiar with the „daily business“ of an Executive or Personal Assistant who also know the manager perspective from their own practice guide you through a modular programme, intensive courses or focused short workshops about specific subjects. Between the modules or workshops as well as after completion of the training programme we offer you a personal Transfer Coaching. ( Link zum PDF )
In my trainings, you as participants are co-designers actively contributing from the very beginning. II understand myself a "guide" leveraging the experiences of the attendees, opening spaces for dialogue and learning experiences, offering impulses and feedback.

My methods

You have questions? You would like to know more?

Then please contact me! I am looking forward to hearing from you.

☎ +49 (0)179 34 18 07 7